
Here's what you can expect when buying a calf from us:

- Professional customer service

- No competitive auctions

- Healthy calves

- Core vaccinines (Nasalgen 3-PMH) before they leave our ranch (plus anything else required by your state for incoming cattle). 

- Stress prevention.  All calves are dosed with Fearappease and Corid before they travel to help them manage the effects of stress.

- Both sire and dam are onsite, registration and pictures will be provided. 

- Dam raised calves

- Regular updates 

- You'll receive a health certificate, bill of sale, MT brand inspection, any DNA testing results that were completed, breeding soundness guarantee*, a leather bound picture book, hay bale, and a few days supply of
sweet feed and loose minerals.  

- You'll get socialized calves. Our socialization process takes approx 6-8 wks and looks something like this:

Weaning at approx 4 months
Meet the equines
Meet the dogs
Walk through a chute, get brushed
Walk through a chute, get vaccinated
Walk through a chute, get treats
Walk through chute, eye rinse
Apply powder or other topical fly treatment while standing in the open
Walking into a trailer - not moving
Moving in a trailer
Playtime w/ field balls
Treat time w/ Cattle cubes
Trade treats for eye rinse
Meet the Vet
Get a bath & blow out
Vet visit at the farm - travel certificate completed - brand inspection completed
Off to their forever home!
** all pet calves are introduced to a halter